How Using IT Increases Small Businesses Productivity

IT can help small business' productivity by Solidit Technologies

How Using IT Increases Small Businesses Productivity

Small businesses are the same as any other business. They want to succeed. Having the robust IT infrastructure in place is a critical step to success. IT is not a one-size-fits-all model. There are numerous decisions that need to be made to decide what level of IT is right for you. You will be able to plan and develop your IT strategy as a small business, but it can help to know how incorporating IT infrastructure into your business boosts productivity.

Increased Communication

Without a technology system in place, communication will remain traditionally analog. This raises the risk of miscommunication and a lack of urgency in answering questions. This is especially true when workplaces have geographic distribution. Most communication can occur via the Cloud and will help your business stay connected with each other and with your customers.

Modern businesses take an advantage of technology to increase their productivity. Robust IT infrastructure and support helps your organizations’ ability to compete with stronger competitors as they have more resources and budget to build an in-house IT team, but you don’t have to. Simply outsource all or parts of your IT to Solidit, so you can focus on growing your business.

Increased Collaboration

Work is increasingly collaborative in all industries. Of course, people could collaborate in the same room but that is not always possible. Having an IT system in place means that people can collaborate anytime and anywhere. Whether it is through a discussion space or a shared document repository. People can collaborate in real-time and also see who else has participated in a project or task. Seamlessly being in the know of the entire team’s progress is essential to a productive organization, small or large.

Project Management

We all have roles to play in our organizations. It would be impractical for one person to remember and manage everything that every person has to do. Integrating IT infrastructure means that a tool for project management is possible that keeps everyone on the same page and assigns tasks to specific people.

Improved Data Privacy and Security

People have a valid reason to be concerned about how their data is being used at work. If you can tell people that your IT helps keep their data and work secure, then they will not have that worry taking away from their workplace productivity.

Improved Time Tracking

Many employees need to in some way track their time. It takes a lot of time to manually track time in time cards and for supervisors to review and approve the work. By automating the time tracking you are saving time and also providing insights into how employees are spending their time. The goal is not necessarily to micromanage time, but rather to see what is working well and what is not.

Easy Onboarding

Onboarding is another critical process in hiring a new employee. They need to learn about your culture, your goals, and how their role fits into the entire organization. Obviously, some onboarding tasks need to be in-person, but a lot of it can be accomplished remotely. Having an IT system allows you a lot more flexibility in what onboarding looks like.

To wrap it up; as you can see, there is not really a part of your business that is not impacted by IT. By being deliberate in planning your IT strategy, you can be sure that your business has the structure in place to be productive now and in the future.